What to Look For in a Business Coach!


People often ask me, “What should I look for in a business coach?” It’s a great question, and in a world filled with people jumping on to the “coaching” bandwagon, finding a credible and capable coach is becoming more and more challenging. Here are a few areas to look into when considering hiring a coach:

Ask about their TRACK RECORD! What have they accomplished? Have they ever led a successful business of their own? Do they have significant leadership experience? Do they have the scars and the successes that can greatly benefit you and your business?

Inquire about their TRAINING! Is the individual you are considering certified? Do they belong to a credible coaching organization? Remember: just because someone has been in business, it doesn’t mean that they are capable of coaching someone else to do the same!

Ask about their TOOLKIT! What resources, tools, etc. do they have at their disposal to help you play your “A” game? Coaching should help you DO better (get better results), not just FEEL better! What do they have in their coaching arsenal? What process/system do they use to improve the performance of a business/individual that they coach?

Look for TRUST! This is more of a subjective issue, and I understand that trust is built over time. But when you meet them for the first time, do you feel this is the kind of person you could trust? Remember that the chemistry and rapport you feel with your coach is an important element to the success of the coaching relationship.

For more information on what to look for in a business coach and advisor, check out the following video:

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To your ultimate success!

Eric Deschamps, Business Coach – Ottawa

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